Support Us

We have no regular income; our financing is chiefly from Grants.

We currently need around £7,000 a year to cover our outgoings.

We run fund raising events that are attended by a very generous band of supporters.


We have been fortunate enough to benefit from the generosity of some private sponsors and our Parish Council. These monies help us each year with the upkeep of Field Barn, the Orchards, Woods, and Meadows for the Village to enjoy now and for future generations.


We are a non-profit organisation and we would welcome any kind of support.


We understand that not everyone has the time to be a volunteer but that you may wish to support us financially with a regular donation, a one-off payment or even consider making a legacy.


Give now - a one-off cash donation
Gift Aid Declaration.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [85.5 KB]
Give regularly - a monthly donation
Gift aid Regular Payment.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [81.9 KB]
Give later - a gift in your Will
Wills Legacy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [57.5 KB]

Your Support Does not Have to Be Just in Cash or in Kind!

To change the neighborhood, we don't only need donations but also helping hands that are willing to work. We need as many volunteers as we can get. Just contact us via the contact form.

Upcoming events


Saturday 6th April 10.30 - MIDDAY

Visit us

Cleeve Prior Heritage Trust

Field Barn
Evesham Rd  
Cleeve Prior,

WR11 8JX

Registered Charity Number 1063291


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